Saturday, January 1, 2011

Today is day one of 2011. This last year has been a challenging and also rewarding one. Of course, I am coming to the conclusion that every year is a challenge in some way, for everyone! We made a difficult and also exciting decision to move away from home and start a new life in another state this last year. While this has been good in many ways, it has also been difficult. Anything in life that is rewarding has to be worked for, or sacrificed for.

Bob has had to work tremendous hours. It has been very hard having him gone so much. He does enjoy his job, and it has been a stressful, yet good change for us. It will probably be this way for quite some time. I hope one day it will get easier and we will have more family time. It has been a challenge for all of us. I am grateful that he is willing to work and that he has such a great job though.

The town we have moved to is a very small, charming town. I do like it here. I don't see people very often. It seems like we all have bunkered down for the winter, so I don't have as much going on as far as people stopping by. This summer we had quite a bit of company, as we were outside bbqing all summer. I am so happy to have a stove in the house now. I did learn how to grill a mean steak and also some pretty good chicken though! ;)

The kids have been becoming a little more adjusted, but this move was a very difficult one for them. I hope that they will realize how amazing and strong they are, and that no matter what happens in life, they can make it through, because they are so great. I also hope that they will be able to see the importance of things that really matter, and realize the things that don't matter so much. I guess it takes a lifetime to truly learn that, but I hope for them to be happy and I don't think it is easy to find happiness without first knowing what really matters. Even then, life has a way of dragging you down, trying to beat you. We just have to keep on going, trying harder everyday!

This is the year that Ashton will be considered cured. It has been a long wait for this year, but thank goodness we are here! He made it! I am so proud of him for all he has done and the great young man he is becoming! He has taken a journey in life that many would not envy. I am so honored to have shared this road with such a special person. I am truly blessed with wonderful, strong, and beautiful children. I am so so thankful for them. They bring the sun to my days, when sometimes it seems there is only rain.

Okay, well enough rambling, here is looking forward to a wonderful year full of love, hope, joy, strength, compassion, peace, cheer, prayer, laughter, and much more! Happy New Year!!!!


  1. How beautiful! Libby, you're gorgeous! Hoping you're loving school. We miss you! Love ya!

  2. PEG!!!! You did it! you blogged! How easy was that...and you changed your background too! SO proud of you! I am so happy and excited that you are doing this, I cannot say enough how wonderful it is to have that blog book at the end of the year. I love you guys, and miss you, and am looking forward to many more posts to hear about what you are doing, and a lot more pictures! <3
